Betty (One Classy Lady)

Betty (One Classy Lady)
Classy people are hard to find, they are gems. And gems are shiny and classy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A New Definition

I feel I should explain a bit before I go over board with a few thoughts gallivanting in my head and clogging up my everyday functioning in life. See for a creative person if you can't create or express what's in your mind for the outside world you basically go a bit insane. I can proudly say, I have! Only a tiny tinny bit. 

A lot has happened and it amazes me. Things can change in a day, an hour, or even a week; I've know of this "change happens" concept but to witness actually lives changing in front of you is a weird miracle. Some things physically don't change but your outlook does, for instance I wrote this a year ago:

"I need to be told a sentence again right after it has been said, I need to spell better, I need to learn to walk, I need to do a lot but instead I embrace all the flaws (or annoyances) and the things I am not. I let the things that I am be affected with positive influence, emotional inspiration, and reassuring indifference."  

These are all still very much part of my life, but what I'm most guilty of is not embracing any of them. I've been ashamed of them and let other people believe they are bad, even apologizing for them.
WE all have flaws, thats no award winning secret.

Flaws are what make us unique (again no secret) all of these imperfect aspects of our personalities; Should we really call them flaws? or did some smarty pants come up with that incorrect term.
Definition of a Flaw: A mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object.
My favorite definition: A squall of wind; a short storm (Flatulence)
-Nouns: Fault, defect, blemish, short coming, imperfection
-Verbs: Crack, damage, spilt

To crack, damage, split:
When looking at those verbs, the first thought that comes to mind is a imperfection. Someone or something was labeled, defected or blemish. For example one time down the road in someone's life a person has been cracked, damaged, or split and has had a flaw put upon them, unknowing about this imperfection the person thought "This is who I am". Some people still hold onto the flaw given to them, being hassled by someone else's observational fault gets the most optimistic person down.
Until they realize...

Flaws are beautiful antidotes to anyones personality. Makes them a different individual who celebrates what talents or non talents they do or don't possess, that should be a definition of a flaw.

Flaw: A celebration of imperfections that you learn or deter from; but never hide, shame, disregard or apologize.

My flaws haven't changed they're still there I've just chosen to break them down into beautiful antidotes. Take pride in all of your squalls of wind or short storms and be sure to check your pants.


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