Betty (One Classy Lady)

Betty (One Classy Lady)
Classy people are hard to find, they are gems. And gems are shiny and classy

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Environmental Family

    About 10 months ago I caught up with an high school friend, we haven't had time to catch up on the last 2 years of our lives. We've been busy, Livin Life.  In the ole High School throw back days we would crack jokes (on each other), pretend to do classwork and have gab fests. Now being seasoned in the higher educational department (Meaning I enjoy going to school now) that sounds irresponsible and silly, but when your 16 talking to the star football player you have your properties in order. 
    Our conversations would range from who knocked him out during the game on Friday to "Why is the musical called RENT?" pointless but always entertaining. The topics we covered were never in-depth about feelings or what affected us. Until our most recent conversation, it took a grown up turn, we covered a topic that affected us and needed an outsiders point of view. 
My friend started out with the question that took me by surprise not because it was quite intelligent but more of "Oh! Hey! I wonder about that too!" 

Him: "What should a person be looking at?"
Me: The good. Enough good in someone ways out all the bad.
I continued: What do you think a person should be looking at?
Him: At everything around them. Not just their heart but what surrounds the heart.
(My friend continues and starts to bring up a deep valid point.)
Him: Because how can you cause bad in the environment that surrounds the heart? We can't be naturally attracted to the bad, so why would their be bad? 

Well Well... That seem simple. Why can't we hold onto that outcome every day?

    I then told him the bad doesn't hold the power its people. Bad situations, Bad decisions, Bad environment, will never go away. People see all their obstacles as either something that keeps them down or as something that makes them shoot to be better than "The Bad". People are powerful each one can con core the world, it just bottles down to "What should you surround your environment with?"

After our conversation I started to look at what surrounded me, 10 months later and I see what surrounds me is family. 

    The constant acceptance of being a complete fool every time you open your mouth and at the end of the day these people will still claim you. Even though Flying Ants, Spotted Armadillos, and Smelly Aunts are your answers to a game of Scattagories. 

    My family is not blood related (I love them too) but my family are people who wake up after Dollar Tuesdays and play The Recap: The Hangover Style. These select few surround my heart and make me strive to be better, I surround my environment with people who know bad comes and goes but each one cares and sticks around even if your lost, mad, sad, or crazy. My family truly knows one bad thing isn't the end. They are what I look at. Family. 

My friend also predicted I would break this down in writing.... it took 10 months but Thank You :)           

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