Betty (One Classy Lady)

Betty (One Classy Lady)
Classy people are hard to find, they are gems. And gems are shiny and classy

Monday, March 12, 2012

All My Love

(WARNING!:The sound track currently inspiring this post is Celine Dion all because I just recently read a few posts by some one who inspires me on a few levels. Thanx Destini)

I have flaws! Now I consider them a bonus to my personality because I have a lovely roommate who found the quote of my life

Now, reading this quote one may think that "Wow! She deals drugs!" or "OMG! She wore blue when the color of the season is pink!" real time crime stuff but ... no. The "Bad" decisions happen through out my life to pin point all of them would be cruel, for you not me. Some may say Stalking is one of them. People don't believe that I can be a good spy with that technique, just a crazy lady with lots of baking utensils.
(BTW Decisions is spelled wrong in the quote, which I also do frequently)

Lately, My "flaws" have been influenced, inspired, and indifferent. See writing is hard for me because I get so excited! "HOLY CRAP! Your expressing yourself!" is what my brain screams at me. For that reason I tend to not write, I get frightened by my crazy maze brain. (one day in this noggin you will wonder how I function.) But from the words of a guest speaker in a recent class and Nike "JUST DO IT!" Simple and to the point.

Next! Being emotional comes with being Inspired. That makes me happy! People in my life who are extremely talented and even people I don't know (the ones I stalk). I can't help it. I tend to scare my talented friends (Example: A) with as much love as a romantic song because that's rare, to be surrounded by people that inspire greatness in them selves and in return thrill my mind to learn more.

Which brings me to the indifference part. I am a giver. But as a giver people might think I'm a sucker, that makes me laugh. Ha Ha! I don't think its fair to be welcoming and giving then get walked on. A couple months ago I would have cared, raised hell too but I couldn't give a flying fart in space now. I know what I want, I know what I'm good at, also I know who is around and who isn't. And if someone isn't around the day will continue as will I.

I need to be told a sentence again right after it has been said, I need to spell better, I need to learn to walk, I need to do a lot but instead I embrace all the flaws (or annoyances) and the things I am not. I let the things that I am be affected with positive Influence, emotional Inspiration, and reassuring Indifference.

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